Prijono Tjiptoherijanto / Professor, Universitas Indonesia
Pak Prijono is Professor at the University of Indonesia (Guru Besar Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia) and also a renowned economist. He has broad experience and extensive careers in public policy, such as Advisor to the National Family Planning Board, BAPPENAS, as well as the United Nation's Committee Expert of Public Administration.
A professor, lecturer, and poet at heart, Pak Prijono taught in Indonesian Universities and as far as Japan, such as in Kobe University (2006), Hiroshima University (2009), and Yokohama National University (2013). He deeply cares about social issues in Indonesia, specifically in poverty alleviation and human capital development. Pak Prijono's kindness and generosity to contribute back to society led him to accept the position of KKI Board of Commissioner in 2016.
John Lumbantobing / Partner, Rifdaan Novarazka & Prabowo Law Firm
John Lumbantobing is a Lecturer in commercial arbitration, international commercial litigation and international law (in particular international trade and investment law) at Universitas Katolik Parahyangan. His works have been published and cited both in national and international publications. John previously practiced commercial litigation and international arbitration for several years in Jakarta. Also active in construction industry, John sits as member of the board in the Sinabung Group. He completed his Bachelor of Law at Universitas Katolik Parahyangan and his Master of Law at the University of Cambridge (Hughes Hall).
Despite his tight schedule, John is deeply passionate in community service. John has been a long-time supporter of KKI and tremendously assists us in legal matters. We could not be happier to have John in KKI Board of Commissioner since 2016.
Nanik Joeliawati Santoso / Director, PT Ciputra Development Tbk
Bu Nanik currently serves as Senior Director of PT Ciputra Surya Tbk, one of Indonesia's largest property groups. Prior to her appointment as Director, she had served in the company for 9 years, proving her to be a formidable force behind the success of Ciputra Surya in the past 25 years.
Bu Nanik found KKI by chance when reading the Reader's Digest. She was so compelled to help KKI that she immediately contacted KKI's founder, Leonardo Kamilius, to ask how she could contribute to KKI. Since then, Bu Nanik has been our loyal supporter, whom we could be comfortable with to get inputs, feedbacks, and supports. We were extremely grateful when she accepted the invitation to sit on KKI's Board of Commissioner in 2016.
Henny Purnamawati / Partner, PT Eghon Zehnder
Henny Purnamawati, based in Jakarta, leads Egon Zehnder’s Financial Services Practice in Indonesia. Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Henny was with General Electric in the US, Greater China, and Southeast Asia (Singapore, Philippines, and Thailand) where she was engaged in consulting projects in the areas of Demand Flow Technology, Business Process Reengineering and Action Work-Out, Finance, and Six Sigma Quality. Earlier, Henny was a Consultant and External Auditor with Arthur Andersen, serving multinational clients.
Henny earned an MBA in General Management from Harvard Business School. She was also the former Board of Commissioner of Vision Fund, the World Vision’s microfinance arm in Indonesia.
Dewi Meisari / Co-Founder & Chief Editor,
Mba Dewi is known for her expertise in the field of Micro Small Medium Enterprise, microfinance, social entrepeneurship, and cooperative. She is highly active in assisting SMEs, particularly through UKM Center FEB UI, an institution under Faculty of Economics And Business University of Indonesia who focus on SME empowerment and research that she once led as a director. She also write a Social Entrepreneurship handbook "Berani Jadi Wirausaha Sosial", a joint effort between UKM Center FEB UI and DBS Foundation. Her most recent effort to improve the ecosystem for SMEs is by developing the first licensing information hub
While taking a master degree at Norwegian University of Life Science, she was introduced with Grameen Bank model as a diginified approach to alleviate poverty and experienced good performance of cooperatives. She then came back to Indonesia with a renewed sense of purpose, and now lectures at University of Indonesia.
Silverius Oscar Unggul / Vice Chairman, Kamar Dagang & Industri (KADIN)
Bang Onte, as we often call him, is Founder and CEO of Telapak, a social enterprise that has long advocates protection of environment and natural resources. Bang Onte and his team worked with illegal loggers all around Indonesia to form cooperatives that engage local communities with sustainable, environmentally friendly models.
Bang Onte was awarded Asoka Innovator for the Public, Schwab Social Entrepreneur, Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship, and World Economic Forum's Young Global Leader, to just name a few, in his 20-year stint protecting universe's greatest gift, the mother nature.